
176 lines
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#include <assert.h>
#include "ManagedServo.h"
#include "MathUtils.h"
#include "Finger.h"
Finger::Finger(String name, ManagedServo& leftPitchServo, ManagedServo& rightPitchServo, ManagedServo& flexionServo)
: mName(name), mLeftPitchServo(leftPitchServo), mRightPitchServo(rightPitchServo), mFlexionServo(flexionServo) {
// Default ranges to something sane, but they can be overriden by a tuning
// routine or by the user if desired.
mPitchRange[0] = 0;
mPitchRange[1] = 40;
mYawRange[0] = -20;
mYawRange[1] = 20;
mFlexionRange[0] = 0;
mFlexionRange[1] = 100;
mYawBias = 60;
// Targets to nominal
mPitchTarget = 0;
mYawTarget = 0;
mFlexionTarget = 0;
Finger::~Finger() {
// At the moment, there is no acceleration or deceleration of the servos or
// any other movement where there could be a delta between the target and actual
// position of the servos. However, we don't want to eliminate the possibility
// from future implementations, so the idea is that the servos will get a call
// to update() every loop, and this could be used for dynamic computation.
// Specifically, we are going to mix in the yaw angle with flexion. As the
// finger flexes, the yaw angle is reduced to keep the finger from bending
// sideways as the fingers align into more of a fist.
void Finger::update() {
// Update the pitch servos first
// Scale the flexion angle to the range of the flexion servo
int32_t position = mapInteger(mFlexionTarget, mFlexionRange[0], mFlexionRange[1],
mFlexionServo.getMinPosition(), mFlexionServo.getMaxPosition());
#ifdef DEBUG // Useful debug printing for tuning
Serial.print("FlexTgt: ");
Serial.print(" - ");
Serial.print(" - ");
Serial.print("FlexPos: ");
assert(position >= mFlexionServo.getMinPosition() && position <= mFlexionServo.getMaxPosition());
void Finger::setFlexion(int16_t flexion) {
mFlexionTarget = CLAMP(flexion, getFlexionMin(), getFlexionMax());
void Finger::setPitch(int16_t pitch) {
mPitchTarget = CLAMP(pitch, getPitchMin(), getPitchMax());
void Finger::setYaw(int16_t yaw) {
mYawTarget = CLAMP(yaw, getYawMin(), getYawMax());
void Finger::setMaxPosition()
setPosition(getPitchMax(), 0, getFlexionMax());
void Finger::setMinPosition()
setPosition(getPitchMin(), 0, getFlexionMin());
void Finger::setExtension(int16_t extension)
// Clamp and invert
extension = 100-CLAMP(extension, 0, 100);
// Map to the range of the pitch servos
int16_t pitch = mapInteger(extension, 0, 100, getPitchMin(), getPitchMax());
// Set the flexion
int16_t flexion = mapInteger(extension, 0, 100, getFlexionMin(), getFlexionMax());
// This is sort of the workhorse function - it does a couple of things:
// 1. It looks at the flexion angle and scales the yaw angle to keep the finger
// from bending sideways as the finger flexes, but also computes the delta
// between the two servos in order to try produce the requested yaw.
// 2. It then looks at the pitch angle and computes an overall position to
// send to the pitch servos to try produce the requested pitch.
// The yaw is computed and applied to a bias of the target positions on the left
// and right pitch servos. This pulls the finger to the left or right based
// on the value. Note - The bias value is kind of empiracal and something arrived
// at by tuning as opposed to a calculated value. This could potentially be calculated
// in a more accurate way down the road.
void Finger::updatePitchServos() {
float normalizedFlexion = normalizedValue(getFlexion(), mFlexionRange[0], mFlexionRange[1]);
// Normalize the yaw
float normalizedYaw = normalizedValue(mYawTarget, mYawRange[0], mYawRange[1])-0.5f;
// Scale the yaw based on the flexion angle, and apply the bias
float scaledYaw = normalizedYaw * (1.0f - normalizedFlexion) * mYawBias;
#ifdef DEBUG // Useful debug printing for tuning
Serial.print("NFlex: ");
Serial.print(" YawTgt: ");
Serial.print(" NYaw: ");
Serial.print("SYaw: ");
// Compute the pitch on the servos
int32_t leftPitch = mapInteger(mPitchTarget, mPitchRange[0], mPitchRange[1],
mLeftPitchServo.getMinPosition(), mLeftPitchServo.getMaxPosition());
int32_t rightPitch = mapInteger(mPitchTarget, mPitchRange[0], mPitchRange[1],
mRightPitchServo.getMinPosition(), mRightPitchServo.getMaxPosition());
// Mix in the yaw
leftPitch = static_cast<int32_t>(leftPitch + scaledYaw);
rightPitch = static_cast<int32_t>(rightPitch - scaledYaw);
// If flexion is > 50%, mix in additional pitch
if (normalizedFlexion > 0.5f) {
int flexionGain = static_cast<int32_t>((normalizedFlexion - 0.5f) * 30.0f);
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("FlexionGain: ");
leftPitch += flexionGain;
rightPitch += flexionGain;
// Clamp
leftPitch = CLAMP(leftPitch, mLeftPitchServo.getMinPosition(), mLeftPitchServo.getMaxPosition());
rightPitch = CLAMP(rightPitch, mRightPitchServo.getMinPosition(), mRightPitchServo.getMaxPosition());
// Send to servos